Waste Water Treatment Plant in Starý Plzenec
Starý Plzenec
InvestorMunicipality of Starý Plzenec
Construction period10/2012 – 10/2014
Type of constructionWater management
Scope of servicesConstruction
Sewerage system in Malá Strana, Sedlec and Extension of the WWTP in Starý Plzenec, Extension of the Water Supply System in Sedlec.
This project dealt with waste water discharge from two areas of Starý Plzenec – Malá Strana and Sedlec – to the existing waste water treatment plant (WW TP), which was expanded as part of the project to a capacity of 8,000 PE (daily volume of waste water is 1,380 m3).
The construction included primarily gravity sewers (9,926.13 m) and pressure sewers to the WWTP (1,719.85 m), including the construction of 5 pumping stations. The expansion of the WW TP was designed in accordance with the current operation as mechanical-biological with pneumatic aeration and aerobic sludge destabilisation. In principle, the operational facilities build on existing operations by making maximum use of existing buildings and facilities. The equipment was supplemented with a further biological D-N system line with selectors. The performance of the pumping station was increased as was the coarse pre-treatment prior to the biological system. Excess sludge is pumped from the settlement tank to a sludge tank. The WW TP was expanded for uninterrupted operation throughout the construction period.
As part of the sewerage project, 12,061 m2 of bitumen road and 140 metres of pipes were laid down under the river using directed pipe jacking technology. The project also included the extension of the water supply system in the town of Sedlec with a total length of 2,033.19 m.
In numbers
- 8 000 PE - capacity of WWTP
- 11 646 m of sewers
- 2 033 m of water supply