Pražská Project




Linkcity Czech Republic

Construction period

02/2007 – 07/2009

Type of construction

Residential, Development

Scope of services

Construction & Property Development

  • Linkcity Czech Repulic is a property development company of VCES group.
Pražská project involved construction of four apartment houses with 301 flats.

B4 and B3 buildings feature six above-ground and one underground storey, B2 and B1 houses have 7 above-ground and one underground storey. The basement structures of the buildings comprise monolithic steel-concrete slabs laid on drilled piles. Vertical supporting structures of the apartment houses combine steel-concrete monolithic skeleton and a wall system made of Porotherm brick blocks. The ceiling structures consist of monolithic steel-concrete plates. The roofs of the apartment houses are flat and on the highest floor level they are used as a terrace. The peripheral jacketing forms a contact insulation system.

The separate apartment houses are distinguished by the colour of balcony structures consisting of high-pressure laminate plates – each building features another colour – red, yellow, green and blue. The project also included construction of roads in the apartment complex, landscaping and construction of a playground.

Job vacancies

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Contact information

VCES a.s. - Head office
Harfa Office Park
Českomoravská 2420/15
190 00 Praha 9

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