Group Project Kutnohorsko – Čáslavsko
Kutná Hora, Čáslav, Uhlířské Janovice, Zruč nad Sázavou, Sázava
InvestorVodohospodářská společnost Vrchlice - Maleč, a.s.
Construction period09/2011 – 12/2013
Type of constructionWater management
Scope of servicesConstruction
This construction project was divided into five sub-projects. The waste water treatment plant (WW TP) in Kutná Hora was improved with a capacity of 36,000 PE, as was the WWTP in Čáslav, with a capacity of 15,000 PE; as well, sewers were completed in Kutná Hora, Uhlířské Janovice, Zruč nad Sázavou and Sázava. A total of 11,791 metres of gravity sewers were laid, along with 2,663 metres of pressure pipes, and 3 chambers for separation of rain water were renovated.
24,600 m2 of asphalt surfaces were repaired, along with 2,042 m2 of paving tiles, 451 m2 of concrete panel roads and 1,276 m2 of grassed areas. 298 metres of water mains were relocated and networks were provided for gas lines, LV cables, communication cables and street lighting. A capacity increase was implemented at the WWTP in Kutná Hora with the refurbishment of two biological lines, modifications to the sludge treatment and gas management and renovations to the boiler room and the digestion machinery room. At the WWTP in Čáslav, the pumping station was refurbished at the inlet, the sand separator was set up and roofed over, and the equipment in the activation blower room was refurbished, as well as the settlement tank. A new storage tank with aerobic stabilisation was constructed, including a building with a sludge thickening line. The project implementation could increase the elimination of pollutants by 70.68 tonnes/year CODCr, 32.90 tonnes/year of suspended solids and a connection for 1,668 PE is estimated.
In numbers
- 5 sub-projects
- 2 WWTPs
- 14 454 m of sewers