Apartment Building Oáza Michle
InvestorSOGEPROM Michle s.r.o.
Construction period01/2010 – 06/2011
Type of constructionResidential, Development
Scope of servicesConstruction & Property Development
Ecosite is an environmental quality label awarded to construction sites of the Bouygues Construction Group. It declares the compliance with the established environmental policy, which aims to reduce the environmental impacts of building construction.
Linkcity Czech Repulic is a property development company of VCES group.
The building is situated on a longitudinal plot of land between the Botič stream and a parallel road. It comprises two underground floors with parking spaces and six automatic car stacker systems as well six floors of apartments. There are a total of 60 apartments ranging in layout from one-room apartments to two-level apartments with four rooms.
The apartment building uses a pile foundation system with increased slab thickness around pile heads. The load-bearing system of the building consists of cast-in-place concrete walls, columns and floor slabs. Exterior and interior brickwork was made of POROTHERM blocks. The building envelope is composed of a contact thermal insulation system. The project also involved utility relocation and connection of utilities to the building. In addition, local road repairs, soft and hard landscaping and repair works on the façade of the neighbouring building were required.
The construction process was particular mainly due to a specific location of the building site, increased demands on logistics and the necessity to execute works in a confined space.
In numbers
- 1 apartment building
- 6 car stackers
- 60 apartments