Saint-Gobain Vertex, Hodonice
InvestorSaint-Gobain Vertex, a.s.
Construction period10/2001 – 08/2003
Type of constructionIndustrial
Scope of servicesConstruction
The main part of the facility which serves for the manufacture of glass fibre comprises a glass manufacturing plant measuring 150 × 150 m. The plant includes several separate sections: a transformer station, raw material feeding bins, preparation of raw materials, product processing, recycling, storage area and others.
The facility is based on piles. A monolithic lower part and an upper steel structure form the load-bearing structure. Peripheral walls are built of system panels. In addition to this, the project included forcing of industrial water from the Dyje River, a waste water treatment plant, roads in the complex, a car park and a new access road including a railroad bridge.