Long-term Care Hospital in Moravská Třebová
Moravská Třebová
InvestorPardubice Region
Construction period09/2020 – 12/2021
Type of constructionHealth care
Scope of servicesConstruction
Construction of state-of-the-art long-term care hospital and emergency medical service station.
Construction of a new three-storey hospital building with a total usable floor area of 5 913 m2.
In addition to constructing a long-term care facility with 90 hospital beds, the project includes food service facilities, physiotherapy department, laboratories, an office/operations part and an emergency medical service station (ambulance station) with parking facilities for ambulances.
Moreover, the building is equipped with a medical gas supply system, floor finishes have an antimicrobial protection, and suspended ceilings (including integrated lighting) have a special surface treatment to enable cleaning with water.
Project feature
Nosné stěny a stropy objektu byly kompletně navrženy v systému výrobců pórobetoných tvárnic. Bude se tak jednat o první výstavbu objektu občanské vybavenosti komplexně řešenou v systému pórobetonu.
The execution works also include paved areas outside the hospital for vehicle parking, sidewalks and an access road. Finally, the scope of works on the project involves a relatively large extent of necessary relocations and connections of utility infrastructure such as water supply system, sanitary sewer system, stormwater drainage and electrical connection.
In numbers
- 5 913 m2 of usable floor area
- 90 long-term care hospital beds
- 70 parking spaces