Bouygues signs #StOPe initiative to fight “casual” sexism

#StOpE (Stop Casual Sexism in the Workplace) is the first inter-company initiative to combat “casual” sexism in the workplace. Created in 2021 by the AFMD (French Association of Diversity Managers), #StOpE has 199 signatories (37 more in 2022 and 48 more in 2023) who are committed to pooling their resources and sharing best practices in the daily fight against this type of sexism.
#StOpE defines “casual” sexism as acts, gestures, words and behaviours that can insidiously destabilise, infantilise, delegitimise and even disqualify women and men in the workplace. The 2021 #StOpE/BVA survey carried out in France (64,000 participants) shows that:
- More than 8 out of 10 women feel that they are regularly confronted with sexist attitudes and decisions in the workplace; and
- 4 out of 10 men have already heard degrading remarks using sexist representations of masculinity.
“Respect is the Group’s core value. Nurturing it is therefore essential. By tackling casual sexism we create a workplace that is caring and open, enabling every individual to flourish to their maximum potential,” says Edward Bouygues, Bouygues group Deputy CEO and signatory to the initiative.
“After signing the Diversity Charter in April 2022, the Group is now reaffirming its commitment to equal opportunities and equality in the workplace. By signing this initiative on behalf of the Group, we are engaging all our employees by reminding them of the importance we place on fighting all forms of discrimination and casual sexism,” underlines Jean-Manuel Soussan, Senior Vice-President and Director of Human Resources for the Bouygues group.
The 8 priorities of #StOpE
By signing this foundational undertaking, Bouygues commits to rolling out at least one of the eight priority measures in its six subsidiaries over the course of the year:
- DISPLAY and APPLY the principle of zero tolerance
- PROVIDE INFORMATION that will raise awareness about sexist behaviours (acts, words, attitudes) and their impacts
- PROVIDE TARGETED TRAINING on the obligations and good practices in the fight against casual sexism
- DISTRIBUTE tools that will enable employees to confront sexist behaviour in the workplace
- ENCOURAGE all employees to become involved, to prevent and identify sexist behaviour and to resist casual sexism
- PREVENT sexist behaviour and offer personalised assistance to the victims, witnesses and decision-makers in the reporting and treatment of sexist incidents.
- SANCTION unacceptable behaviour and ensure staff are informed about the associated disciplinary measures
- MEASURE and implement metrics so that policies designed to combat casual sexism can be adapted and improved
According to Cécile Monthiers, the Group’s HR ethics and Employee Promise Director, “there is still a lack of understanding about what the term ‘sexism’ actually covers. Membership of the #StOpE initiative at the highest level of the Bouygues group will enable us both to clarify the concept of sexism and boost our efforts to raise awareness by insisting on the principle of zero tolerance, for the greater well-being of all our employees.”
Bouygues group employees can report anonymously any unethical or unlawful behaviour at They can also use e-mail, the telephone or talk to any officer working in HR, ethics, compliance, etc.