The Company KRPA FORM Is Expanding Its Production in the Podkrkonoše Region

The company KRPA FORM is part of one of the largest paper manufacturing groups in the Czech Republic. It specializes in manufacturing and printing forms, till rolls, paper bags, and other paper products. Ing. Jaroslav Jiřička, chairman of the board of directors at KRPA Holding CZ, a.s., discusses the planned investment, “Our factory has two facilities, one in Dolní Branná and the second in Hostinné. The primary reason for expanding the facilities in Branná was the chance to concentrate production in one place. In taking this step, we promise not only to increase productivity and better utilize our workers, but also the opportunity to further develop how we manufacture bags for packaging food products. We are also currently investing into new manufacturing technology, which will help improve conditions for producing goods intended for use in the food industry and increase production volume by up to 100%.”
The overall concept for reconstructing the facilities consists of converting and expanding production into the new production hall, which will have an area of 4 310 m2, and reconstructing the existing factory building. This will involve new hardtop surfaces for operational access to buildings, including smaller utility buildings, such as roofed areas for transportation equipment and waste management.
Zdeněk Pokorný, chairman of the board at VCES a.s., evaluates the cooperation up to this point, “In the second half of February, we took control of the construction site and are preparing to begin construction. We are currently working intensively on finishing the project documentation, which is also included in the supply contract. This will include drawing up revised technical solutions that were offered to the client during the course of the tendering process. We are planning to begin the construction work itself at the beginning of April.”